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Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Kent County
Amateur Swimming Association

Strategic Information for London Swimming - August 2015

8th September 2015

Government Consultation

Sports Minister Tracey Crouch launched a nine week public consultation on UK Sport. She wants to hear from interested groups and the public - people who are involved in sport and people who aren’t - on what more can be done to use sport to help improve many more lives. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-kicks-off-consultation-to-help-strengthen-sport-across-the-country

London Borough of Barnet Consultation

The Council has launched a consultation on the future of Church Farm and Copthall Leisure Centres at https://engage.barnet.gov.uk/adult-social-services/sports-and-physical-activity-cf-copthall.

ASA Aquatics Awards

The categories and criteria for the new ASA Aquatics Awards 2015 have now been finalised, with nominations opening on Wednesday 1 July. http://www.swimming.org/asa/about-us/asa-aquatics-awards/

London Swimming Awards

London Swimming invites nominations for the David Barnes and Flo Barnes Trophies which are awarded to an individual (male and female) who has made an outstanding contribution as an official or poolside helper in the London Region. http://www.londonswimming.org/2015/07/london-swimming-awards-2015/

ASA Annual Report

The ASA has published its Annual Report athttp://www.swimming.org/assets/ASA_Annual_Report_2015.pdf.

Funding Opportunities

Funding for courses

SportsCoach UK has published a guide to funding opportunities for courses http://www.sportscoachuk.org/sites/default/files/91290%20Funding%20Guide%20v2.pdf.

For information

Talent Programmes

Details of England Swimming Programmes are available on the London Swimming Website at http://www.londonswimming.org/2015/08/england-swimming-2015-2016-development-programme-for-athletes-coaches/

Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Swim England Affiliated County Swim England South East London Swimming Swim England British Swimming British Swimming Swimline Child Protection in Sport Unit