Annual Dinner
The 2024 Kent Annual Dinner will be held for the first time since 2019 at the Holiday Inn Express, London Road, Wrotham Heath, Sevenoaks TN15 7RS on Friday 27 September 2024. We will be celebrating the presidency of John King (Beachfield SC), as well as previous presidents who did not have a dinner due to Covid restrictions.
The doors will open at 18:30 with dinner being served at 19:30. The dress code will be smart casual.
Tickets cost £40 per person for the meal using the links below to download the menu - there are additional vegan options on the online form - and to book and make payment.
Drinks can be bought on the night. Tables hold a maximum of 10 and please note that numbers are limited. However, everyone is welcome - members and non-members, family, friends even aquatics-haters - so make your booking as soon as possible.
Book your tickets, select meal choices and pay using the form below. And if you have any queries, please use this link.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!