Championship Results 2014
Sunday 16 February 2014 - Crystal Palace
Saturday 22 February 2014 - Medway Park
Sunday 23 February 2014 - Medway Park
Saturday 1 March 2014 - Medway Park
Sunday 2 March 2014 - Medway Park
Saturday 8 March 2014 - Medway Park
Sunday 9 March 2014 - Medway Park
This draft listing supersedes all previous versions and is based on the finishing positions, extracted by hand, from the Championship results sheets. Clubs have until 23 March 2014 to contact if they feel that an error has been made. Please note that BAGCAT Relays are not included. From 24 March 2014 any reported discrepancies will have been acted upon as appropriate and the listing will then be published as a final report.
Mick Geer Salver: Katie Latham for the highest FINA points score