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Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Kent County
Amateur Swimming Association

ASA 11 year-old Development Pathway - Update including Swimmer Selection

31st March 2017

The swimmers selected for the programme have been finalised and selection letters sent out via South East region on Tuesday 8th March. We notified all relevant Club Secretaries and Coaches on Friday 3rd March. The swimmers selected are listed below. If any swimmers are unable to take up their offers, we will offer their place to the next highest ranked swimmer of the same gender. If any of the selected swimmers have not received a selection letter by Sunday 12th March please email john.handley@kentswimming.org.

Alexander Williams (Greenwich) Eva Okaro (Sevenoaks)
Liam Hamp (Thanet) Lola Sutton (Thanet)
Samuel Lander (Bromley) Lilly Marie Derry (Beckenham)
Alexander Corver (Bromley) Izabella Okaro (Sevenoaks)
Rokas Liutkevicius (Thanet) Amie Lawrence (Orpington)
Christian Pauling (Beckenham) Philippa Carver (Beckenham)
Bailey Bertram (Folkestone) Emily Brown (Sevenoaks)
Luke Ellis (Beckenham) Millie Armstrong (Sevenoaks)
Daniel Tollit (Beckenham) Martha King (Beckenham)
Kieran Elvy (Black Lion) Amber Piper (Thanet)
Macaulay Johnston (Sevenoaks) Lola Burns (Greenwich)
Ethan Southward (Beckenham) Jessica Sugden (Canterbury)
Laurence Wilson (Beckenham) Jamie Johnson (Beckenham)
Seamus Hamilton (Sevenoaks) Evie Slater (Thanet)
Toby Edwards (RTW Monson) Phoebe Rice (Dartford)
Callum Farrow (Black Lion) Grace Tricker (Beckenham)
Connor Madden (Edenbridge) Rebecca Kearney (Orpington)
Nahum Fisher (Black Lion) Daisy McMillan (Sevenoaks)

The first camp is on 23rd April followed by the July camp in the early part of July and the final one on 29th October. It has been quite a challenge to secure venues across the County with a relatively short lead in but we do have venues in place for April in South East London and for October in Canterbury. We would like to have one camp in Mid or West Kent but we are entirely dependent on venue availability and it may be that the April camp is either moved to a more central location or the July one is held in a similar area as one of the other camps so please bear with us whilst we finalise that.

John Handley

KCASA Swimming Manager

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