Development Pathway Parents' Workshop
1st February 2020, 14:00
Parents/guardians of ...
- all 2009 born Kent County Championship qualifiers
- those 2006, 2007 and 2008 born Kent County Championship qualifiers who have not previously qualified
... are invited to attend a workshop on 1 February 2020 at approximately 14:00 at Crystal Palace between the first and second sessions. The exact timing will depend on when the first session finishes, as any delay in the Swimming Programme will necessarily delay the start of the talk.
The talk will be held in the Dartfish Room. This is on the level below the Poolside concourse. From the medals table on the Poolside concourse take the stairs down immediately opposite. At the foot of the stairs turn left – you will see the entrance to the Boys changing rooms straight ahead – turn immediately before the entrance, and the Dartfish room is halfway down the corridor on the left.
Click on the link below to see the full details.