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Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Kent County
Amateur Swimming Association

SER Masters Development Day at Sevenoaks on 24 April

24th April 2016

Open to all Masters from South East Region affiliated clubs. Cost is £15.00 per delegate. Strictly limited to 36 athletes with spaces available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

Closing date for applications is Tuesday 19 April so please submit your application as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

VENUE: Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, Buckhurst Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1LW


09.30-10.00: Welcome (tea and coffee)

10.00-11.30: Sports Psychology (including race preparation)

11.30-12.30: Land Training (focused on dry warming up and cooling down ready for a wet LAC swim)

12.30-13.30: Lunch (packed lunch bought by attendees plus tea and coffee) Pool Session (training for competition)

15.15-16.00: Change, debrief (tea and coffee) and finish 

Download the full pack, including information on presenters, here

Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Swim England Affiliated County Swim England South East London Swimming Swim England British Swimming British Swimming Swimline Child Protection in Sport Unit