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Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Kent County
Amateur Swimming Association

New J2 and J2S Session 1 training dates

13th June 2023

J2 Course - Classroom Session 1 Monday 3 July and Wednesday 5 July Medway Park 7-9pm . To apply

  • First complete a J2 application form that can be accessed using the link on the kentswimming.org website ( using the tabs Officials>Book a Workshop) and email it to malcolm.keysell@aol.com, advising him which date course you would like to attend. (The dates may not yet have been updated, but the link to the form is still current)
  • Details of how to pay Swim England will be sent to you on receipt of the form. Your J2 course book will be provided at the session.

J2S Course - Classroom Session 1 Monday 10 July Medway Park 7-9pm To apply, just email john.burdett@kentswimming.org - and don't forget your J2 book.

Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Swim England Affiliated County Swim England South East London Swimming Swim England British Swimming British Swimming Swimline Child Protection in Sport Unit