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Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Kent County
Amateur Swimming Association

Kent Swimming Championship Medal Update

7th February 2022

We are sorry we were unable to distribute all the medals last night.  As many of you know we started the final session over 30 minutes late as a result some technical difficulties with the backstroke ledges in the first session and the consequent reswim for some swimmers. Unfortunately, to compound this there were further technical difficulties with the automatic results service so that results were being transcribed manually.  This all took time and faced with some confusion over a couple of the finals and the fact the venue required us to vacate by 6 p.m. we felt it was better to go through the medal allocation in the cold light of day.  In any event it would have taken at least till 6.30 before the results of all the finals would have been available

What I am now doing is to go through the results from yesterday and allocating the medals to the clubs.  Later this week I will advise if any podium medals are missing from the 50m butterfly.  Subject to that we will then start distributing medals to the Clubs.  If we are missing any top three medals we will get them replaced and/or re-engraved.  Similarly with the finalist medals we will make sure all these are included with the medals sent to each club - to be on the safe side I will include finalist medals for each club for the whole of afternoon session so that each Club should not need to come back to me for finalist medals but there no problem if you need to.

Thank you for your patience especially those who waited last night whilst we were trying to distribute medals at the Pool. 
In essence everyone will get their medals and those entitled to engraved ones will get their engraved medals.

John Handley

KCASA Medals Secretary

Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Swim England Affiliated County Swim England South East London Swimming Swim England British Swimming British Swimming Swimline Child Protection in Sport Unit