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Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Kent County
Amateur Swimming Association

SER Long Course Masters 31 January/1 February 2015 at K2, Crawley entry pack now available

14th January 2015

The entry pack for the 2015 SER Long Course Masters and Seniors competition is now available to download. For those who want to stay overnight, the Arora hotel, which is the closest hotel to the pool, is once again offering special rates to competitors.

Each year efforts are made to improve the competition. This often means modifying the entry procedure and the conditions to take into account previous experience. If you decide to enter the 2015 event PLEASE READ ALL THE CONDITIONS AND NOTES IN THE PACK. Changes have been made for this year's competition.

Following the successful registration procedure used previously, all competitors will be required to register BEFORE EACH SESSION at the Masters Reception desk no later than 30 minutes before the start of the session. This is to avoid empty lanes in the heats and to enable the meet to run efficiently.

For this competition the relay team events are 4 x 50m medley & freestyle for men and women and 4 x100m medley & freestyle mixed.

Entries are on-line only and fees must be paid on-line using PayPal, which accepts debit and credit cards. Entrants will get automatic email confirmation of the events they have entered with their entry times and email confirmation that their payment has been received. In recent years the entries have been closed before the published closing date to avoid the sessions from overrunning so please get your entry in early to avoid disappointment.

A one-off administration fee of £1:50 is added to entries received from individuals to cover the PayPal fees incurred and for a programme. Remember to collect your programme on arrival. There is no administration fee for team entries.

A link to the entry lists is given in the Entry Pack so you can see all the entries received to date.

Some of you may have already entered and have received the confirmation emails. You have received this communication because it has been sent to all those who entered last year’s competition.

I look forward to seeing you at K2.

Geoff Stokes.

Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Swim England Affiliated County Swim England South East London Swimming Swim England British Swimming British Swimming Swimline Child Protection in Sport Unit