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Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Kent County
Amateur Swimming Association

Kent Swimming Championships 2022 - Latest News

29th December 2021

BUG IN ENTRY FILE 29/12/2021

Hello All,

There was one QT entered in error (out of 200) (Male 17+ 100Br). It has now been fixed. Updated file here . If you've done most of your entries on the existing one, you can send me that, the bug only affects Male 17+ 100Br. Use this for any male 17+ !00Br entries, and send with the other file.

Also please make sure you use QT's from the links on the bottom of this email. There was an early version with tougher 17+ times.

There are no changes to any QT's just the entry file.


Thank you to the clubs that have volunteered so far, but we need more! We have 6 days of competition, could I ask for clubs to volunteer to host. Hosting involves, the door, refreshments and Marshalling.. Host clubs that host for a day can run their own raffle. Please click here to express interest in helping with hosting.


At this stage we still don't know what the rules on competitive swimming will be when for the 2022 championships. As I write this, we can still compete on the planned dates. The committee will monitor all the announcements as they are released, and adapt appropriately. For now, enter the championships on the assumption we will be going ahead.

The Kent County Swimming Championships have had to be re-organised in view of the lack of suitable pool space in the county. We will this year hold events of 200m and longer at Dover Leisure centre. This pool has 8 lanes and a pool certificate, wheras others have 6, poor AOE, or lack a length certificate.

The 50/100's will be held at LAC, this pool has much more space around the pool to allow more flexibility to incorporate any restrictions that may be required.

For the 2022 championships we will accept the Level X times that have been swum, as well as the L1,2,3 and 4.

There has been so much interruption to training, we have not reduced any QT's

The qualifying window will be 1st January 2020-9th January 2022.

Dates and Venues

Sat 22/Sun 23 January 2022 - Dover Leisure Centre (Whitfield,CT16 3FZ)
Sat 29/Sun 30 January 2022 - Dover Leisure Centre (Whitfield,CT16 3FZ)
Sat 5/Sun 6 February 2022 - London Aquatic Centre (London E20 2AQ)

The full entry pack is enclosed in this email, if you are no longer your clubs entry secretary, please forward to the correct person, and let me know the correct contact.

Please note the Sportsystem file is for individual entries only. Unlike many entry files, the times cannot be edited.

To enter swimmers, open the entry file, ensure you have your clubs swimmer file downloaded. For speed enter all of 1 gender, then all the other gender.

Find the swimmer, then press Get Times.

You can then save the entire file, or delete entries then press save. If you accidentally delete, you need to press Get Times again.

The Coach Passes will be similar previous years, they will also be valid for the development meet in October, so coaches should retain them.

Please complete and return the summary sheets, entry files and coach pass forms, but NOT the individual entry forms. Each club should retain them in case of queries.

The files you need are here:
  1. Individual Entry Form
  2. Sportsystems Main Entry File - (DropBox Link)
  3. How to obtain you Sportsystems Personal Key
  4. Link to How to use Sportsystems video
  5. Coach Application Form
  6. Individual Event Programme
  7. Male Qualifying Times
  8. Female Qualifying Times
  9. Conditions
  10. Overall Summary Sheet (Must be completed in full) Word Version

Any questions please channel via club entry secretaries. It is not possible to deal with individual parent questions.

Deadline: Midnight 12 Jan 2022

Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Swim England Affiliated County Swim England South East London Swimming Swim England British Swimming British Swimming Swimline Child Protection in Sport Unit