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Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Kent County
Amateur Swimming Association

KCASA Swimming Development Meet 2017 details posted

28th October 2017

We have just seen some amazing performances at the World Championships by GB, and at Summer Nationals by an outstanding cohort of Kent Swimmers.

All these great performances start with the grass-roots of the sport, and that starts with events like the County Development Meet. For those that missed it last year, the county had some major changes to the format last year, which we were very successful. The only major change is changing to Age at year end rather than end of meet.

  • Date:  28 and 29 October 2917
  • Closing date for entries:  6 October 2017 

Our aim is to encourage more entrants, and give more swimmers a chance to win a Kent Medal. As the title says it is a development meet, so county qualifiers can't enter swims for which they have obtained a championship's 2017 consideration time. NB: they can enter events that they have not achieved times for.

Also we have added a points table to enable selection for the Kent Development Camp in 2018. (See conditions for full details). To help spread entries swimmers can enter a maximum of six events.

There are also relay events for two age groups, with mixed and individual gender events. Note the conditions that restrict entries by Kent championships qualifiers to strokes they haven't qualified for.

All the relevant documents are below:

Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Swim England Affiliated County Swim England South East London Swimming Swim England British Swimming British Swimming Swimline Child Protection in Sport Unit