KCASA Special Council Meeting - 25 January 2020
25th January 2020
You might be aware that the Special Council Meeting on 7 November did not have sufficient members present to form a quorum and therefore, once again, it was not possible to complete the business of the day. We have therefore scheduled a second Special Council Meeting to do so. Details are:
- Date: Saturday 25 January 2020
- Time: 10:30
- Venue: The ‘Green Room’ at Crystal Palace National Sports Centre, Ledrington Road, London SE19 2BB
As a reminder, Past Presidents, members of the Management Committee, Discipline Managers and others of you who have named roles within the KCASA automatically have a vote and will receive your delegate slip. If you would like to attend but are not one of these groups, please do contact your club secretary who will be able to give you authorisation to vote on behalf of your club. However, please do remember that clubs are limited on the number of delegates according to size of membership, and it might be that their allocation is already used up.
If you want to, you can forward the slip below to your club secretary.
The agenda and other business papers can be accessed below:
- Agenda
- Agenda Appendix 1
- Minutes of the ACM on 22 June 2019 (draft)
- Notes of the SCM on 7 November 2019
- Annual Report to 31 March 2019 (amended)
- Annual Accounts to 31 March 2019 (amended)
- Financial Statement to 31 March 2019 (amended)
Shelley Robinson - KCASA General Secretary