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Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Kent County
Amateur Swimming Association

Deadline for poolside accreditation applications for KCASA Development Meet - 9 October 2018

9th October 2018

2.1 - Poolside accreditation MUST be applied for by 9 October 2018 with accompanying photograph.

2.2 - No passes will be issued on the weekend of competition.

2.3 - Coaches/Team Managers/Chaperones will NOT be able to apply for Poolside Accreditation without ALL 3 of the following documents in place:

1. DBS

2. Minimum qualification/requirements(specific to the role)

  • Coaches – Teaching/Coaching qualification level 1
  • Team Manager – Team Manager Training module 1 certificate
  • Chaperone – written club authorisation to be acting in loco parentis on behalf of the club

3. Safeguarding certificate/qualification to be recorded with the ASA Memberships.

2.4 - Where a club has not applied for Poolside Accreditation by the 9 October 2018, any swimmers who attend the meet will NOT be permitted to swim.

2.5 - There is no charge for Poolside Accreditation – the ratio is usually 10:1

Forms should be sent directly to john.king@kentswimming.org by 9 October 2018

Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Swim England Affiliated County Swim England South East London Swimming Swim England British Swimming British Swimming Swimline Child Protection in Sport Unit