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Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Kent County
Amateur Swimming Association

KCASA ACM on 10 December 2016 - download paperwork here!

10th December 2016

You are invited to attend the 2016 Annual Council Meeting which will take place on Saturday 10 December 2016 at the Holiday Inn, London Road, Wrotham Heath TN15 7RS.

The doors open and tea/coffee will be available from 10.30am and the meeting, which will include the trophy presentation and the election and induction of the President for 2016, John Burdett, will be followed by refreshments. There will then be a short meeting for members of the 2017 Management Committee only.

Nomination papers for the following Officers who are elected annually can be downloaded below and we will especially welcome nominations for an additional two Kent Rural representatives because of the retirement of Carina Enderby and Scott Walker:

  • Representative of Kent Rural SA on the KCASA Management Committee (5 to be elected)
  • Representative of Kent London SA on the KCASA Management Committee (3 to be elected)
  • Secretary KRSA as a member of a KRSA Club
  • Secretary KLSA as a member of a KLSA Club
  • General Secretary KCASA
  • Treasurer and Trustee KCASA

In addition, applications (using the nomination paper below) are invited for all the posts identified in Rule 8 of the Association and will be especially welcomed for the positions highlighted in red which are currently or will be vacant:

  • County Kit Coordinator
  • Development Coordinator
  • Disability/Para Swimming Manager
  • Diving Manager
  • Masters Swimming Manager
  • Medals Co-ordinator
  • Medical Adviser
  • Open Water Swimming Manager
  • Social Secretary
  • Swimming Manager
  • Swimming Officials Appointments Coordinator
  • Swimming Officials Examinations Coordinator
  • Swimming Officials Manager
  • Swimming Records Administrator
  • Synchronised Swimming Manager
  • Trophies Coordinator
  • Water Polo Manager
  • Website Administrator
  • Welfare and Equal Opportunities Officer
  • Workforce and Volunteer Coordinator

Please note that completed nomination papers for Officers and applications for other posts must be received by the General Secretary no later than 15 October 2016.

Please also note that notices of motions for changes to, additions to or deletions from the Rules of the Association/Sub-Associations and of any other motions to be considered at the Annual General Meeting shall be made, in writing, again to reach me by midnight on 15 October 2015.

A second mailing will be sent out to all clubs, other affiliated organisations, Past Presidents, Honorary Members and Officers in November confirming the date, time and venue of the meeting, together with an Agenda, the Annual Report, Statement of Accounts and a list of nominees for Officers and the Management Committee for 2017. As it becomes ready, all documentation will be listed below for downloading as required.

2016 Nomination Paper

ACM Minutes 2016

Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Swim England Affiliated County Swim England South East London Swimming Swim England British Swimming British Swimming Swimline Child Protection in Sport Unit